The Local Honey

Eat. Play. Love. Sustain.

A Little Bit of Honey May 19, 2010

Filed under: Quotes & Inspiration — Organized Squirrel @ 9:14 pm

Some days when I am feeling a little blue for whatever reason (as of late it is furlough schedule and smaller paychecks … blah), I look up a quote to push me through my moment. I came across this one today and I LOVE it!!

Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same. ~Francesca Reigler


Mixed Bag – a true treasure

Filed under: Bee local,Fun finds,Places to go — Organized Squirrel @ 8:48 pm
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Today I decided to venture into Sacramento to check out the Food Coop. I was being frugal in my shopping today as it is one of those weeks where $ is limited. I did however walk out of there with some sweet local honey (which was a little cheaper than my regular source) and some yummy organic gala apples for $1.99/lb. I would go back but it was a bit of a trek to do weekly (coming from EDH that is!)

While I was in the area I popped on over to one of my favorite little gift shops in town. Mixed Bag is on K and 24th. It has a little bit of everything for just about anyone!! I like to stock up on greeting cards when I am there. They also have festive party goods (napkins and plates), garden flags, baby gifts, fun lotions and potions, soaps, candles, handmade jewelry & wrapping paper. You can also get silly things like sock monkeys or even a purse clip. They have so much. When you go, be sure to go kid free and set aside time to wander. It is a true gem and I guarantee that you will find something if not for someone else – for yourself!! So head on over to Mixed Bag for your next gift purchase – I promise you will have fun!